Monday 21 November 2011

Saramauri again

We saw Alice off to Vila on the morning flight and then prepared to leave for Saramauri that afternoon. It is 4 months since we visited this clinic up in the middle bush in the middle of Santo. They had arranged a fund-raising event over two days with a volleyball competition and ample food as the result of slaughtering a cow. They cut it up at night on our arrival to minimise the amount of flies.

We slept in the clinic which at least did not have any rats like the other place we stayed last time. The beds were very comfortable and we slept soundly.
Manuel the nurse has spent a lot of the clinic fees on upgrading the clinic and had constructed a modern toilet block with flush modern toilet and running shower with some tiling and handbasin as good as one may get in many an English campsite!!

Manuel and his two children
Next day there was the usual STI screening, antenatal checks (Marie Michelle had a portable ultrasound machine which is really helpful) and blood taking which kept everyone busy well into the evening.
Bit hot today dont you think?
The people are hardy here. Many men wear little clothing, just a loin cloth and have muscle but little fat. Some of the older women may have just leaves stuck through a belt to cover the appropriate parts. They walk up and down hills with agility. Unfortunately families of 6 or 9 children are common and sexual experimentation often starts around 13 years old. There is a lot of education to be done!!!
We had to carry our luggage down to the truck as the ground was too soft. 

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